CEP 812 Week 1


For our first week of CEP 812 we learned about different teaching problems. I learned how to make my first ever Screencast to show my answer to the ill-structured problem: how to have my students write better reflections by using GoogleDrive.



One response »

  1. Meagan,

    Your Screencast does a really great job illustrating the basic functions of Google Drive. It’s so neat that you are able to incorporate this into your classroom and the kids realize its functionality and use it in such an effective way. I can see how this would work great in my ELA classroom, but my 7th graders do not have access to e-mail. It’s something I’ve been working on since I started there two years ago. It seems like the benefits far outweigh the negatives in this case. I especially liked how you told about one of your students being out for a family emergency, but still able to stay caught up with the rest of your class. That’s awesome! Very well done!

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